Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Well, after a month of complete and total ick, today turned around completely. I was ready to just skip the month of October all together.

I had an appointment this morning for my ankle and was scared to death I was going to hear I've furthered damaged it. The good news is that I didn't! I'm healing well and will be starting physical therapy this week or next.

After recent events with my kitty Simba, my parents decided he is no longer welcome in the house. I was being pushed to take him to a shelter. After much searching, asking and pleading, one of my adopted mom's agreed to take him in and foster him until I am able to get my own place. I'll still get to see him and I know he will be safe. I also see this as a huge incentive to get my tail in gear to get money together to move.

After my appt this morning, I was still fairly shattered mentally about my precious kitty. I was set on not celebrating Halloween this year at all or ever again. Daddy Shadow had taken me to my appointment and I decided we where going to breakfast since he was just off work and I was so depressed. We had breaky at Poverty Bay and then went and wondered the mall. He got me to laugh and smile but got more worried when I turned down a Coke.

I admitted to not sleeping and that my stomach was starting to go to heck again and all around the physical side of all the stress lately was catching up. There was scolding and rules enforced and all that jazz. I think last night was the worst of it outside of the heart attack like panic attack towards the start of the month. I really want to get back to my normal.

Once things had settled and I knew my kitty was going to be ok, I went to work carving my pumpkin (that I've had for 2 weeks now) and all around getting back into the Halloween spirit.  My vampire princess costume never got made because of the depression, so, I took Alice out of the closet and decided that the Megatron boot I have to wear would be because I had a hard trip down the rabbit hole this last time. Hair done, contacts in and my one knee high stocking on, I was good to go for Halloween.

I decided nothing was scarier then Pinkie Pie

I'm proud of this considering how fast I worked on it.

Alice in her Megatron Boot. It's a pain in the tail running to the door to greet kids but DAMN IT!!! Someone has to do it! I'll have to ice my ankle later anyway, might as well be worth it!
All in all, I'm happy to be done with my pity party. Let's hope I never again have an October as bad as this one has been.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Another year

Another year has passed and while my objective was to make this birthday a positive one, every plan I or anyone else seemed to make fell through. I spent much of the day with my sewing machine, which really wasn’t a bad thing I guess. The highlight though was a phone call from a dear friend. She’s been such a huge help since I messed up my ankle.

On the whole ankle thing, I can walk without the crutches… mostly. My balance sucks though without at least one of them. I can be on my feet some, but in all honestly it feels like my ankle is made out of jelly. After doing some research last night (and seeing some scary surgery pictures) I’m a little more concerned about it now. I know whatever is done with this ankle, will most likely have to be done with the other down the road.

If I make it out this weekend, I might try and pick up a new doll… or I might just order one… or possibly pay off my Adventure Time game. I’m not sure yet. I want out of this funk though. No more bad news or ruined plans. I’m ready for October to be over.

Something kind of fun and depressing all at the same time. I love Adventure Time, more importantly Marceline. Anyway, since this episode aired, I've watched it every day. Yes I'm a sap and cry, but these two songs really touch me. A show that makes no sense should not touch you in the feels like this!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ankle Update

After much drama and crying (office er referred me too told me they could not see me for 2 weeks, to stop using my crutches and that I'm fine. All diagnosed from the RECEPTIONIST over the phone. I was floored) I got in with an orthopedic doctor closer to home. After spending the weekend drugged mostly out of my pretty little head, Monday at work I tried walking on it. Got home in a great deal of pain and vowed to use the crutches. Tuesday, was still waiting to hear back from the office I was referred too, was really trying to be good, but things went down the hill quickly. I was in pain. I've sprained my ankle many times before, but this was a new type of pain. While I do have a high pain tolerance, it was getting to be to much. It was passed the fun point.

After phone drama with the office I was referred too, my manager told me I need to see someone ASAP, which was in my discharge notes. She told me to find any office that would take the L & I claim and she'd work on her end with the paperwork. I called a place close to home, explained my store and they got me in the next day. I wanted to hug the scheduler and the doctor that was on call who agreed to see me after hearing my story.

The doctor couldn't believe the crappy boot I was put in. He wrote me a perscription for a much better fitting one that is actually more of a pain to walk in. So I'm doing more of what i should have been doing over the past few days
So today, I went and finally saw a doctor, who was WONDERFUL! My ankle is fractured and I've torn the ligaments in it. He said surgery might be something down the road, after a little more healing and physical therapy. He is hesitant though because of the history with my other foot and surgery would require me to have to put my weight on my left leg for 6 weeks. I like this doctor, not only because of his quick work ethic, but he was very informative and didn't use big words. I am considering seeing him after my right foot is more settled to get a long overdue second opinion with my left foot. Something I've put off out of fear of what might have to be done with it. Having my feet injured has been my greatest fear for a very long time. And this was something stupid. So stupid and this doctor joked that I should have made up a better story. That I dove to save a little old lady from rolling away in a wheelchair. Anything would sound cooler then getting up out of a chair and rolling my ankle in the way I did.

So, I'm to keep off of it as much as possible. Use the crutches at the most 2 weeks or until I can walk on it without crippling pain. The boot is going to be my friend for the next 4 - 6 weeks. At least this one looks less stupid. After 2 weeks I meet with the doctor again and possibly start physical therapy. Let's see how well this goes.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Broken Bones

So, Friday at work, right after lunch, I slipped and fell. After much convincing from a friend and the office manager, I was wheeled over to the ER. While I was still convinced it was just a sprain and they would wrap it and send me on my way, I was told that I'd fractured my ankle on top of a really bad sprain. So, I have to meet with an orthopedic doctor next week and am stuck in a stupid boot and on crutches.

Needless to say, this sucks. This was also on my good foot. 4 or 5 years ago I was in a hit and run, which has left me with issues with my left foot. I'm worried about having to put my full weight on that foot. I also realized that my pain tolerance is stupidly high.

I kept up the big girl front up until the weight of the ice pack suddenly was painful, this was about an hour into my field trip. Once the pain set in, I cried and whined and really really wished I worked closer to home. While I wave wonderful friends that watched out for me while at work, I honestly wanted Shadow there. He's recovering from surgery himself and I'm about an hour and a half from home.

So I'm hoping that the specialist will say I'm fine and free me from the boot and crutches and that I can pretend this didn't happen.