This is later than I anticipated it to be, but I have been caught up in a lot of person things lately that have again taken me away from being my sweet little self. I’m finally feeling more like myself again and decided to was time to share both my birthday gifties and gifties for myself from a recent shopping trip.
First off, my birthday, a day that I like to not celebrate for many reasons. This year, I took the day off, slept in late and worked on my Halloween costume. I enjoyed time in the morning with my sippy cup, teddy and blanky. I had birthday nachos, much to my sister’s dismay. I also had a lovely little basket waiting for me from here when I got up that morning.
Basket from my sister containing lip gloss, purple bat notepad, glow sticks, a funky doo little makeup type bag and hot tamales.
That weekend I went out with Daddy Shadow for dinner and to pick out my giftie. One of which was a new Monster High doll. I am a huge fan of Draculaura, and oddly enough, it’s one of the girly things he looks for. We also picked out my first binkies. Now, a pacifier is something I’ve toyed with for some time now and talked about with him and a few other close friends. Daddy decided to was time to test if it would be something I’d actually want to invest more in for a proper adult pacifier. I will post more on my love of my binkie laters in a separate post. ^_^
Dawn of the Dead Draculaura. Pink and purple pacifiers from Daddy, but more in another post. Blue pacifier is my adult one and yes, she is propped up on Code Name Sailor V :P
After a flood of bad news, I decided to turn off my cell and find a toy store. NOW. I did find out rather quickly downtown after asking a very nice security guard where to find the nearest one. He directed me to the top floor to a place that had toys that where off the between path of Babies and action figures. To my surprise, I found the one thing I’ve been hunting for for years. A plush fox that sits upright and is just the right kind of floppy. I actually was trapped between 3 foxies, 2 small ones and then the big one. I texted pictures to Daddy, unsure of what to do. In my heart, I wanted all 3 but I knew that I should either get the two small ones or the one big. He asked if I was huggling the big one and of course I replied that I was. So the big one it was! Because he was cheaper than the 2 little ones put together, I decided to get some pretty hair ties too.
Theo (new foxy with black paws), Cleo (from zoo trip) and new rosie hair ties.
I walked to the market and did a little Christmas/birthday shopping for people on my list and the decided to venture to the international district. It was well after 2pm at this point and I had been out and about since around 10am. There weren’t many people around when I first got out to Seattle, but now they were everywhere. I went around the big Asian market for a little while until I just had to get out of there. I started to panic, but I kept myself calm long enough to pay for my purchases and run outside. I decided to go to Daiso after that, which if you haven’t been, is an Asian dollar store chain. The one in the international distract in Seattle is small and crammed with things. It very quickly also became crammed with people. Luckily, I was able to get an almost complete bento set and 2 lunch bags for said bento set as well as one for a friend, before panic again became a problem for me. There were just too many people. I decided to skip my late lunch and trek home on the train.
Almost complete strawberry bento themed set, 2 bento bags (pink one is my favorite!), sammich cutter and little clear contianers for dipping sauces and dressings and my pink heart fuzzy sock
The train ride helped loads. So did snuggling my new plushy. I ended up sick after that and wasn’t able to use my new bento set, which made me sad. I plan to change that next week though!