Thursday, June 27, 2013


There are reasons my parents wouldn't let me be a ballerina. Now, I'm starting to understand why.

This is just the pic from yesterday. Today almost everything is black, blue and swollen rock solid. It's not broken though! Just sprained badly and apparently I have a lot of scar tissue in there too! Needless to say I have orders (from the doctor, not Daddy Shadow) to stay off my feet and to wear my damn boot the next couple of days.

While there is a rumor going around work I did this while dancing on a bar for tips, the ugly truth to it is I did it while on my way for a walk in my beloved graveyard. Right outside the hospital parking lot in fact. While I sat on the curb, marveling at the fact I had fallen out of my shoes, I knew that as soon as I got up I would be screwed for the next few days. I walked on it for about 24 hours before admitting defeat and going to the doctor who looked on in hour that I was even able to walk at that point. Have to love it when you mortify your doctor and they don't get that when your in a lot of pain, you crack really bad jokes and laugh at dumb things... while secretly being turned on by the amount of pain. :P

So yes. Princess Ania will never be a pretty pretty ballerina and I'm fairly sure this tarnishes my tiara and princess cred.

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