Saturday, October 27, 2012

Another year

Another year has passed and while my objective was to make this birthday a positive one, every plan I or anyone else seemed to make fell through. I spent much of the day with my sewing machine, which really wasn’t a bad thing I guess. The highlight though was a phone call from a dear friend. She’s been such a huge help since I messed up my ankle.

On the whole ankle thing, I can walk without the crutches… mostly. My balance sucks though without at least one of them. I can be on my feet some, but in all honestly it feels like my ankle is made out of jelly. After doing some research last night (and seeing some scary surgery pictures) I’m a little more concerned about it now. I know whatever is done with this ankle, will most likely have to be done with the other down the road.

If I make it out this weekend, I might try and pick up a new doll… or I might just order one… or possibly pay off my Adventure Time game. I’m not sure yet. I want out of this funk though. No more bad news or ruined plans. I’m ready for October to be over.

Something kind of fun and depressing all at the same time. I love Adventure Time, more importantly Marceline. Anyway, since this episode aired, I've watched it every day. Yes I'm a sap and cry, but these two songs really touch me. A show that makes no sense should not touch you in the feels like this!

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